Insights Discovery logoImagine a time and place where everyone in your organisation shares a common language.

A language that allows them to communicate effectively, with customers and colleagues and to recognise and value contributions each individual can make. A language that makes personal development, empowerment and team-centred leadership a way of life.

Each person in every organisation is unique. They bring different styles, needs, motivations and expectations. In these differences are great strengths. The Insights Discovery journey is one of understanding these differences. Understanding more about self, about others, and how to combine those strengths and build upon them to ensure you achieve your goals.

How it works

Insights Discovery 4-type wheelInsights Discovery is a simple accessible four colour model that helps us understand ourselves and others. Every person has all four colour engergies within them; It is the combination of these energies which creates a unique personality.

Benefits of using the Insights tool

  • Each individual will have an overview of their personality style
  • This will empower them with excellent insights into themselves and others
  • They will understand the impact that their personal style has on their relationships
  • They will gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses
  • They will be faced with their blind spots
  • Understanding their own profile will help them to communicate with individuals with other profiles
  • Each staff member will be able to take ownership of their development and we will help them set clear goals